Smart Travels

From the famous city of Michelangelo's David to Paris's neon nightlife to cozy village churches, Smart Travels—Europe features Rudy Maxa's picks of the best of Europe. Public television's first HDTV series, the 52 half-hour episodes are a new take on the Old World.

The Smart Travels team then turns its attention to the endlessly intriguing and exotic Pacific Rim in 13 half-hour episodes. From dazzling Shanghai with its fantastic skyscrapers and traditional Tai Chi in the parks to San Francisco’s picturesque cable cars, Smart Travels—Pacific Rim features more of Rudy Maxa's picks of the world’s best destinations.

If there is any reasonable reason to go out and spend a thousand or more bucks on a new TV, this program is it..
(Andrew Wineke, The Everett Herald)

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